
Results of PGTF - Project INT%2F89%2FK01

INT/17/K13 –Effective microorganisms: production and application in agriculture, postharvest fruit and animal husbandry.

Submitter: Cuban Research Institute on Sugarcane By-Products (ICIDCA), based in Havana, Cuba.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Food and agriculture.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Argentina, Cuba and Mexico).
PGTF input: US$ 27,000.
Other inputs: US$ 38,000.
Number: INT/17/K13.
Duration: 2018-2019.
Approval: 40th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2016).
Completion: Final report submitted on 30 May 2019.
Impact:: The project evaluated the application of several microbial strains as effective microorganisms (EM) to demonstrate how EM could enhance the productivity of agricultural and animal husbandry in order to decrease the use of agrochemicals, thereby contributing to sustainable agriculture and food security.


Contact:  Contact person: Georgina Michelena Alvarez.
Address: Vía Blanca #804 y Carretera Central, San Miguel del Padre, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba.
Tel.: (537)6967015, 6986501 ext. 230.
Fax: (537)6988243.
Email: georgina.michelena @


Final Report:

Note: The reports posted have been prepared by the submitting institutions and their content is the sole responsibility of their authors. Please forward any inquiries or requests for further information to the contact person provided and kindly send a copy to the Office of the Chairman of the Group of 77 ( for our records.

© The Group of 77