
Group of 19 of the Group of 77, Paris, 28 April 1976

a. Statement

            The Group of 19 Developing Countries participating in the Conference on International Economic Cooperation (CIEC) at the end of the third session of its Commissions and on the eve of UNCTAD IV at Nairobi declares:

            1. UNCTAD IV constitutes, since the 7th Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly, the first international event on a world-wide basis where all members of the international community will be called upon to demonstrate by joint action their political determination to achieve the common goals towards the establishment of the New International Economic Order.

            2. The Group of 19 expected UNCTAD IV to achieve significant progress in finding solutions to economic problems of importance to the international community and particularly to the developing countries.

            3. In its participation in CIEC, the Group of 19 – being an integral part of the Group of 77 – is guided and inspired by the Manila Declaration and Programme of Action.

            4. The Group of 19 had hoped that the discussions held with the developed countries during the initial stages of the work of CIEC in a propitious atmosphere and which had led to a clear identification of the solutions to the problems would lay the foundation for the future work of the Conference.  However, the Group of 19, having submitted concrete proposals in various fields for achieving the objectives of CIEC without receiving so far positive reactions or constructive counter-proposals, expresses its dissatisfaction with the slow pace of progress of the Paris conference.  This is mainly due to the lack of positive political will on the part of a few developed countries which are delaying the process of understanding and cooperation to which all developing countries and most of the developed countries are committed.

            5. The Group of 19 categorically states that the on going work in Paris should in no way preclude or delay the adoption of the decisions at the Nairobi Conference.

            6. Indeed the Group of 19 is convinced that, unless substantial results at the IVth UNCTAD are reached, the future of the dialogue in CIEC intended to address the problems identified by the Ministerial Conference and to further international economic cooperation for the benefit of all countries and peoples would be jeopardized. On the other hand, if UNCTAD IV succeeds in its endeavours, the chances of success at CIEC would be greatly enhanced.